Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Best wishes from Room 3

See you next year!!

Yummy biscuits

Loretta and Aliya add pebbles to their biscuits
Ali and Danny enjoying the bicuits
Whaea Bev came today. She had biscuits and pebbles and the ingredients to make green icing.                       Put them together and they taste great.

Goodbye Matua Carl

Righteous and ReAnne say a few words to Matua Carl

Matua Carl with Room 3's card
Whanau Nohinohi said farewell to Matua Carl today. We will miss him. We hope he and his family have a great time in Gisborne.

Thanks Kids Can

Look who came to Russell School today - thanks to Kids Can. You made our day!

Whaea Bev

A big thank you to Whaea Bev who has been a big part of Room 3 this year. Whaea Bev has come and helped us two, sometimes three times a week. It's been great and we hope we see you next year.

Terrific Tigers

Ezra and his tiger
When we went to the Wellington Zoo we saw two tigers, but there were a lot more tigers in room 3 this week.

 Here are some of them.

Nino and his tiger
Janita and her tiger

Immanuel's tiger

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Check out what Room 4 have been making

We love Peace's reindeer that he made in Room 4.


Whaea Bev came on Monday.

She brought everything we needed to make paper chains. 

You needed both your hands and sometimes they weren't enough.

 Look how long Aliya's chain is.

Janita made a long one too.

Thanks Whaea Bev we had fun!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Wellington Zoo

Last Friday we got on the buses and went to Wellington Zoo.

We saw lots of animals

" The monkey pooed in his bed." said Danny.

 The Meerkats were watching from the big rocks for birds."said Tehina.
"the giraffes tongue was purple said Danny, " and he was hungry

We had a great time and would like to say thank you to everyone who helped us raise the money to go and to those who came on the trip with us.