Monday, 30 April 2012

Write on !

There are some keen writers in Room 3.

Not only do they write in their books but also on the whiteboard.
Look at Nino's hard work
Look at Alatina and Nino working hard on their writing.

Soccer Stars

Three of the Room 3 people - Ezra, Amelia and Dominic were getting ready for soccer practice yesterday.

Look at their cool soccer boots!

Wow! Amelia's have pink on them. 

Can you see the sprigs on the bottom of Dominic's boots.
They help him run when the ground is muddy and slippery.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

The Pet Shop Boys

 Thanks to Whaea Bev we had a new fancy fish tank but no fish.

Whaea Bev and Whaea Rachel took Phoenix and Alatina to the pet shop to get some fish. 

The boys looked at all the fish....

and the other animals.
Alatina looked at the rabbit.

The kitten licked  Phoenix's finger.

The boys choose the fish and the pet shop man got the fish out with his net.
He put them in a bag.

The boys also got a fish for Room 1. The pet shop man put their fish in a bag too.

Thank you Whaea Bev and Whaea Rachel and Phoenix and Alatina for getting the fish for us.

They are fantastic.

This term we are learning about  the different types of  ENERGY.

We have a 'fluttery butterfly' in the classroom that runs on solar energy.

 When the sun hits the battery the butterfly     
 ( which is on a thin wire)  flies around and around. 
If we cover the battery - it stops! 

Monday, 23 April 2012

We are all back after the holidays and pleased to welcome Masoma to our class.

In the holidays 
  • Amelia went to Fielding.
  • Dominic went to Stokes Valley.
  • Jinnaea went swimming.
  •  Whaea Angela went to Upper Hutt.
  • Nino had a great holiday because he got a new friend.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Bb Bb

We have been learning about words that start with B. Look at all the ones we thought of!
Thanks Whaea Catriona for writing them down and drawing them for us.

Look carefully

If you look really carefully you can see the first picture of our 'froglet' when he came out of the water. He is sitting on top of the stone .
He is now a real  little frog!

Super readers

We are excited because some of the lovely people from Room 7 have started coming to read to us and listen to us read.
We can't wait for more Room 7 people to come this week.


Valentina and Ezra were excited the other day because the stripes they were wearing matched the stripes on Whaea Nancy's top!

New shoes

If you saw last weeks Kapi-Mana you will have seen a picture of Cornell holding his new shoes.
We were all very lucky because we got a new pair of New Balance shoes thanks to a partnership with North Porirua Baptist Church and New Balance.

Thank you North Porirua Baptist Church and New Balance  very much.