Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Thank you Human Rights Comission

We were really lucky last Friday because our friends from the Human Rights Commission came and made breakfast for Russell School.
Look at the amazing food.

Thank you to everyone who came. We LOVED the food. 

Animals in Room 3

Whaea Liz came to school yesterday. 
She brought plain masks and elastic. 

She left the masks and elastic and by the end of the today our class was full of animals.
There were scary lions. 
There were fierce tigers.

  There were mischievous monkeys.
There were racing rabbits and bouncing bunnies.
Where did the Room 3 children go?

Thank you Whaea Liz we loved making the masks.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Book Week

We are having a great Book Week. It started with a fantastic assembly run by our buddy reading friends from Room 7 where we read our book "Pete the Cat". We have also gone to other classes to listen to books and to do some activities. 

Welcome to Whaea Jen

We are really pleased to welcome Whaea Jen. She will be working with us in Room 3 and in Room 4.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Congratulations Whaea Sose and Simon


In association with Wellington City Council, the education category celebrates those individuals who may have made education their life’s mission. The education sector makes a huge contribution to Wellington, from preschool right through to tertiary.

And look who is a finalist in Education  YEAH!!

 Sose Annandale
Sose Annandale is principal of Russell School in Porirua, creating a thriving learning environment, celebrating their rich cultural diversity and bringing together the whole community.

Community Service

In association with Wellington Airport, the Community Service category honours those individuals who make an important contribution within the greater Wellington. This category celebrates our unsung heroes, those who often work tirelessly behind the scenes, and fulfil crucial community functions.

And look who is a finalist  YEAH!!
 Simon Legg
Simon Legg has been providing new shoes for pupils at schools in areas of Wellington through fundraising and the help of a generous shoe manufacturer.

Simon got the shoes for us.