Thursday, 27 June 2013

Making music

 We were really lucky the other day because Whaea Rachel came to Room 3 with two friends and a box of instruments.
 We got to play the instruments with Whaea Rachel.

Whaea Rachel thought we were AWESOME listeners and made WONDERFUL music.
Thanks Whaea Rachel we loved making music with you. Please come again.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Gecko visit

Geckos came to Russell School yesterday.
Jenny brought them. 

Not only did we get to look at them - we got to touch them too. 

Thank you, thank you Jenny it was AWESOME!

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Wow - we are on the Porirua Library Junior Journal Blog!

Wow!! Not only are the big kids book reviews on the blog but our photos are there too.

A big thank you to Bee and Brian at the library who made us so welcome. Bee read us stories and sang with us and Brian gave the families a behind the scenes tour.
We loved it!!! We can't wait to visit again.

Thanks Meridian and Kids Can stand tall

A big thank you to Meridian and Kids Can Stand Tall charitable trust,for all you have done for us at Russell School .

Monday, 10 June 2013


Whaea Kirsty brought one of her dogs to visit. His name was Hooch.

Farewell Whaea Kirsty

On Friday we said goodbye to Whaea Kirsty. Whaea Kirsty and her family are moving to Ohope.
We will miss you Whaea Kirsty. We have loved having you with us in Room 3.