Saturday, 17 November 2012

Bing Dental

" I am lucky" said Zung Bawm "I have a toothbrush and toothpaste".
We all got a toothbrush and toothpaste when Bing Dental came to visit.
They did a puppet show for us and told us about cleaning our teeth.
 Here is Tiare with her toothbrush and toothpaste.
This is Enele with his toothbrush and toothpaste.
Jayden has his too.
Thanks Bing Dental we love our toothbushes and toothpaste.

Skip, skip, skipping

Wow A.R.J. you can jump high!
Amelia jumping high
We love skipping.

Since we had Jump Rope for Heart Week we like to take skipping ropes outside at playtime and lunchtime.

Look at us skip.
Go P.J.
This is Tina - she is being sunsmart while she is skipping by wearing her hat.
Look at Aliya's shadow on the ground

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Fun Friday

A.R.J. as a basketball player
Nina as a Ninja
At the end of Book Week we had Fun Friday where we came dressed as our favourite book characters.

Whaea Angela took photos but she has had camera troubles and we can only now share them with you.
Tina as Little Red Riding Hood

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Armistice Day

On Friday we had the Russell School Armistice Day celebrations.

Before the celebrations started Whaea Jen read us Grandad's Medals. 
It is a great book and we talked about soldiers and their medals.

Members of the Porirua R.S.A. came to our school for the celebrations.

Caleb saw that two of the men had medals, like in the book. 
He asked Whaea Angela if he could shake their hands.

Whaea Angela took us up to the men. 

Caleb shaking hands
They were wonderful. They shook our hands AND we got to hold their medals. 

It made Armistice Day very special for us. 

Thank you to our new friends, the Members of the Porirua R.S.A.
Tina holding medals

Friday, 9 November 2012

Remembering Mr Sam

Mr Sam passed away on November 8th last year.
Mr Sam was a great friend to Russell School. He did a lot of things with us and for us.

One of the things he did was to set up the Room 3 class blog and everytime we are on the blog we think of him.

 Thanks Mr Sam we couldn't have done it wthout you.

5+ a day

The month-long 5+ A Day ‘Add An Extra Serving’ Challenge started on November 1,
They want everyone in New Zealander to add an extra serving of fruit or vegetable to their day.
5+ a day say colour is key when buying fruit and vegetables .
Look at this rainbow- it would be delicious
“Eating a rainbow of colour every day is the best thing you can do for your body and overall wellbeing,” says Bronwen of the 5+ a day trust.
We are lucky at Russell School as we are part of the 'Fruit In Schools' programme and on Friday we had beautiful Red apples and Oranges.
We love the fruit ! Thank you Fruit in Schools and good luck to 5+ a day with their challenge. We will try and eat more fruit and vegetables.

Monday, 5 November 2012

We finished a great week of 'Jump Rope for Heart' last Friday.
We did lots of skipping all week - especially at lunchtime.
We had a coin trail to raise money for the Heart Foundation.